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heir at law中文是什么意思

用"heir at law"造句"heir at law"怎么读"heir at law" in a sentence


  • 法定继承人


  • Do not have a heir at law , turn into fund of social endowment insurance
  • Do not have a heir at law or appoint beneficiary beneficiary , send funeral expenses by the regulation
  • After worker or retiree die , the beneficiary beneficiary that remaining sum of account of individual of its enterprise annuity appoints by its or heir at law are one - time get
  • Answer : " byelaw of endowment insurance of guangdong province society " the 21st regulation : insurant dies , individual account stores the forehead returns its heir at law
    答: 《广东省社会养老保险条例》第二十一条规定:被保险人死亡,个人帐户储存额退还给其法定继续人。
  • Policy - holder is paying fee or get get sb to go bail for one reason of card period internal cause dies , the total capital that the individual pays insurance premium and accrual , assure period the remaining sum inside returns its heir at law or appoint beneficiary beneficiary
用"heir at law"造句  


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